Thursday 30 June 2011

Crochet open lace top.

I had some Nerine from spotlight and I thought I'd wiz up a sleeveless top.

I used a cluster pattern of *dc skip one chain treble in next chain 3 and treble in the same place and then skip one chain then repeat from the *.  The top of the top is a long chain that fits around me above the breast.  Then I dced 2 row and then trebled 2 rows.
I worked the body of the top using the pattern base *dc skip one chain treble in next chain 3 and treble in the same place and then skip one chain then repeat from the * when reaching the end I chained 3 and turned.  Dc in the top of the 3 chain loop. The treble in the lower dc, 3 chain and then treble in the same dc.
This was the pattern thought out.

I hope to make up a chart but at the moment I haven't done so :)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Weddding Mayhem

Its 6 weeks to go and I'm going nuts. I have so much to do but cant really do to much until the week of. I did my trial again and I think it turned out quite well.
Its scary as I am doing my own hair plus the flower girls and Bridesmaid (all of which are my kids).
I also still have so much to buy!

Monday 20 June 2011

Needles and hooks!

I've been in a bit of a dilemma of late with crocheting and knitting. I'm fairly average in both but I seem to be ignoring my needles more and more.
I haven't knitted in ages. I have tort my eldest to knit. Which is getting really good. She only purls instead of garter but she a lefty.
Probably the main reason I haven't knitted is finding a pattern I like. Most are to long or to fiddly. I did make a Charlie Bear for my youngest but it was ummm odd. As you can see. I have a habit of doing this.

Maybe I should just crochet :P

Sunday 12 June 2011

Winter Needles!

That's right its cold and I have had my hooks and needles out! I knitted a 15cm square for Fine & Sunny (love that little shop) and I have also hooked up some baby beanies in  Cleckheatons Cotton, set of mitts and a beautiful scarf in baby alpaca and silk (which I left in Melbourne).
This week has been trying thou. I believe the fates are in a mood with me. My DD operation went well but she popped the centre stitches and now we have a hole in the skin. They didn't want to sew it as it would most like pop again. Then on the way home to Mildura, Melbourne bagged left my case behind. I cried all the way home. My only saviour was Eat, Pray and Love (which I am reading).
Now we are back home and the fun begins on get back in to a normal routine, and maybe learning to spell. Thank the goddess for spell check and family!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Soup of the Day!!

Pumkin and Sweet chilli soup!

1 quater of a kent pumkin
2 potoatoes
1 carrot
1 pack of chicken noodle soup
2 cups of HOT water.
1 Onion
2 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce
Sour cream to serve

Diced up all vegies and put in a pan to sweat. A low heat can help or use the microwave, they need to be soft.
 Put the chicken noodle soup in the hot water and mix until the noodles are soft. Then strain the noddles out and add the soup to the soft vegies in a/the pan. 
Then using a blender mix til smooth. Add the sweet chilli.
This can be stored in the fridge for a few days or frozen. When hot add some sour cream (teaspoon/tablespoon depending on your taste) and enjoy.

Saturday 14 May 2011

First posting!

This is the first blog ever for me. Hopefully this will have some quirky patterns/receipes as I go. Seeing winter has hit Mildura with some force we have the heater cranked up and the yarn is out.
Tomorrow I hope that I can get my crochet group back. Having moved the met ups to Sunday arvo as I like my sleep ins. 
But before I head off I'll leave you with my tea receipe:

Chicken Satay Pasta Bake
2 chicken breast fillets diced
1 red capiscum diced
1 onion diced
1 large handful of green beans (chopped in to small chunks)
Cooked pasta size to the number of people eating.
2tblsp peanut butter
Satay sauce.

Cook up the chicken, capiscum, onion and beans. Once chicken is no longer raw add Satay sauce and peanut butter. Stir on a light heat until blended threw. Put all the ingredents in a baking dish (including the pasta) stir it abit so it fits and put in the oven for about 30mins so the sauce congelise around the food.