Thursday 30 June 2011

Crochet open lace top.

I had some Nerine from spotlight and I thought I'd wiz up a sleeveless top.

I used a cluster pattern of *dc skip one chain treble in next chain 3 and treble in the same place and then skip one chain then repeat from the *.  The top of the top is a long chain that fits around me above the breast.  Then I dced 2 row and then trebled 2 rows.
I worked the body of the top using the pattern base *dc skip one chain treble in next chain 3 and treble in the same place and then skip one chain then repeat from the * when reaching the end I chained 3 and turned.  Dc in the top of the 3 chain loop. The treble in the lower dc, 3 chain and then treble in the same dc.
This was the pattern thought out.

I hope to make up a chart but at the moment I haven't done so :)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Weddding Mayhem

Its 6 weeks to go and I'm going nuts. I have so much to do but cant really do to much until the week of. I did my trial again and I think it turned out quite well.
Its scary as I am doing my own hair plus the flower girls and Bridesmaid (all of which are my kids).
I also still have so much to buy!

Monday 20 June 2011

Needles and hooks!

I've been in a bit of a dilemma of late with crocheting and knitting. I'm fairly average in both but I seem to be ignoring my needles more and more.
I haven't knitted in ages. I have tort my eldest to knit. Which is getting really good. She only purls instead of garter but she a lefty.
Probably the main reason I haven't knitted is finding a pattern I like. Most are to long or to fiddly. I did make a Charlie Bear for my youngest but it was ummm odd. As you can see. I have a habit of doing this.

Maybe I should just crochet :P

Sunday 12 June 2011

Winter Needles!

That's right its cold and I have had my hooks and needles out! I knitted a 15cm square for Fine & Sunny (love that little shop) and I have also hooked up some baby beanies in  Cleckheatons Cotton, set of mitts and a beautiful scarf in baby alpaca and silk (which I left in Melbourne).
This week has been trying thou. I believe the fates are in a mood with me. My DD operation went well but she popped the centre stitches and now we have a hole in the skin. They didn't want to sew it as it would most like pop again. Then on the way home to Mildura, Melbourne bagged left my case behind. I cried all the way home. My only saviour was Eat, Pray and Love (which I am reading).
Now we are back home and the fun begins on get back in to a normal routine, and maybe learning to spell. Thank the goddess for spell check and family!